[ecasound] recording from jack

From: Tommi Sakari Uimonen <tuimonen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Apr 03 2006 - 14:02:46 EEST

Hi. I tried to record from jack, but I could not figure out how to make
the connections so that they would exist before transport starts rolling.

Is it so that ecasound only creates the input ports and does not handle
the connections? So I have to use other programs to make the actual
connections between ports?

If I start with interactive mode, ecasound does not show up as jack client
until I start engine and I guess there is no way to make the connections
from iam before I start rolling. Or is it possible to make the ports
before engine starts?

And from command-line I just could not make the connections I wanted.

Unfortunately users guide "6.2.3 Use with JACK" still remains in "to be


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