Re: [ecasound] recording from jack

From: Justin Rosander <myrddinemrys@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 04 2006 - 13:27:19 EEST

Hi Tommi,

Ecasound actually can do what you are wanting it to do. Try using:

ecasound -c -i:jack_auto,client_name -o:output.wav

jack_auto specifies you want to use a jack client as the audio object,
and "client_name" is the name of the client being served by the jack
server. It's easier to determine the name of the client using the
connections window from qjackctl. The ecasound manpage goes over this
some. I personally haven't used the "jack" or "jack_generic" arguments
as alternatives to "Jack_auto". In the above command, if you type
"start" from iam, then you will see the connections being automatically
made before the transport begins rolling. What I do to sync things a
little better so I'm not scrambling to my guitar is issue the following:

ecasound -c -i:jack_auto,client_name -o:output.wav

After I type "start" from iam, ecasound will kindly wait until I hit
"start" from another jack client. The manpage goes over this somel, and
covers arguments for the transport "send" and "sendrecv".

Good luck!

On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 14:02 +0300, Tommi Sakari Uimonen wrote:

> If I start with interactive mode, ecasound does not show up as jack
> client
> until I start engine and I guess there is no way to make the
> connections
> from iam before I start rolling. Or is it possible to make the ports
> before engine starts?

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Received on Tue Apr 4 16:15:05 2006

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