[ecasound] development releases: ecasound, ecawave and ecamegapedal

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Subject: [ecasound] development releases: ecasound, ecawave and ecamegapedal
From: Kai Vehmanen (k_AT_eca.cx)
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 10:22:17 EEST

I just uploaded tar-balls for ecasound 2.1dev3 (CVS: 2_1dev3), ecawave
0.5dev0 (0_5dev0) and ecamegapedal 0.3dev0 (0_3dev0).

Ecawave requires ecasound 2.1dev3, but ecamegapedal should also compile
against 2.0.3.


21102001 (v2.1dev3) - note: major changes to effect preset system which break some old preset definitions - edi-entries: edi-3 - added: ecasound-config - --ldflags and --prefix - added: engine profiling info (printed to stderr) - added: -z:multitrack, -z:nomultitrack for forced enabling and disabling of multitrack-mode - added: variable-like preset parameters; it's now possible to bind one preset parameter to multiple chainops' parameters (control multiple settings with one parameter) - added: support for describing preset parameters (edi-3) - changed: pyecasound - makefile-hack that allows pyecasound to work even though compiled against libecasound and libkvutils that are not installed to a directory listed in /etc/ld.so.conf - changed: db-subsystem - is put to sleep more aggressively, which should further decrease its cpu-load - changed: db-subsystem - runs once again under sched_fifo scheduling if -r is enabled - changed: ALSA xrun reports are now printed to stderr instead of ecasound debug-subsystem - changed: -B:rt selected as the default bmode for multitrack-setups (instead of -B:lowlatency) - changed: preset definitions in 'effect_presets' changed to take advantage of the preset system improvements - fixed: major bugs in interpreting LADSPA plugin parameter hint flags - fixed: a nasty bug in bufmode activation code prevented -kos, -kl, and others from working properly - fixed: loop devices didn't work well with -z:db; fixes ecasound testsuite case con_test1-8 - fixed: memory leak in LADSPA handling code; was triggered by recent versions of ecamegapedal - fixed: pyecasound - make target 'install-exec-hook' failed if --disable-pyecasound was given to configure

-- ecawave

21102001 (v0.5dev0) - note: verified to work ok with both qt3.0 and qt2.2 - added: initial support for ecasound's 2.1.x devel branch - added: new operator configuration code ported from ecamegapedal 0.3dev0 - added: a confirmation dialog is shown after file is saved succesfully - added: added '<edit>' marker to the statusbar - changed: ecawave can now be compiled against ecasound installed outside system library directories (/etc/ld.so.conf) - changed: temporary filenames are no longer visible on the statusbar - fixed: moc-files were not removed by 'make clean'

-- ecamegapedal

21102001 (v0.3dev0) - note: to avoid bugs in interpreting LADSPA plugin hints, upgrade ecasound to at least 2.0.4 or 2.1dev3 (or newer) - note: verified to work ok with both qt3.0 and qt2.2 - added: pixmap icons added! [artham] - added: sliders for editing parameter values - added: text inputs for setting low and high limits for slider ranges - added: explicit support for integer parameters - changed: ecamegapedal can now be compiled against ecasound installed outside system library directories (/etc/ld.so.conf); requires ecasound 2.1dev3 (or newer) - changed: improvements to the user-interface layout logic - some big LADSPA plugins (like Hermes) still cause trouble, but at least now sensible settings are restored once you change to another effect - fixed: a divide-by-zero bug in vumeter code - fixed: few bugs that sometimes caused a seg.fault if effects were changed on the fly - fixed: slider starting position is now set correctly to match default parameter values - fixed: numerous small bugs

-- http://www.eca.cx Audio software for Linux!

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