[ecasound] Metronome difficulties

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Subject: [ecasound] Metronome difficulties
From: Nolan Darilek (nolan_d@bigfoot.com)
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 23:45:27 EEST

I'm trying to use the metronome effect preset for some recordings, but
I'm having difficulties.

I first wanted to make sure I understood ecasound's timing parameters,
starting with -t. So I wanted to see if I could record a 4-second
audio clip, which I'll need for a guitar riff I'm trying to record. To
test, I did the following:

ecasound -i:null -pn:metronome -t:4

I thought this would produce 8 beeps, since the default metronome
speed is 120 bpm and I'm recording for 4 seconds. But I get 9 beeps,
and this confuses me.

So I next attempted to do:
ecasound -i:null -pn:metronome,60.0 -t:4
Which, IIRC, sets the metronome speed to 60 BPM. The metronome speed
remains constant, and the BPM doesn't appear to be set. Here is all of
ecasound's output:

ethereal:~> ecasound -i:null -pn:metronome,60.0 -t:4
* ecasound v2.0.0 (C) 1997-2001 Kai Vehmanen *
(eca-chainsetup) Set processing time to 4.00.
- [ Chainsetup/Adding LADSPA-plugin "Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:control)" ]
Setting parameters: Frequency (Hz) = 880.00, Amplitude = 1.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Pulse gate BPM" ] --------------------
(audiofx_envelope_modulation) WARNING! Frequency must be greater than 0!
Setting parameters: bpm = 120.00, on-time-msec = 10.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Lowpass filter" ] --------------------
Setting parameters: cutoff-freq = 2000.00
bpm = 0.00
- [ Chainsetup/Enabling audio inputs ] -------------------------------------
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "null", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 2, srate 44100, interleaved.
- [ Chainsetup/Enabling audio outputs ] ------------------------------------
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "/dev/dsp", mode "write".
(audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 2, srate 44100, interleaved.
- [ Engine/Init - mixmode "simple" ] ---------------------------------------
- [ Engine/Exiting ] -------------------------------------------------------

So despite having apparently set the BPM to 60.0, it appears to be set
to 120, and later to 0, though it still appears to be 120. I also
tried outputing the beeps to a file, but I still receive a wav with 9

This problem seems to occur both with 1.9dev2 and the latest CVS
checkout as of an hour ago. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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