[ecasound] starting ecasound at boot, in a terminal window

From: john gibby <johnalan.gibby@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 11 2017 - 07:26:17 EEST

Thanks for ecasound; it's a wonderful application. I'm using it for active
crossover DSP processing. I'm running the latest version of AV-Linux. I
have one chainsetup for watching movies, and a different one for my
Pianoteq piano application (included below). I would like the piano
crossover to come up automatically when I start the computer, but I want it
to be convenient to change the chainsetup, for when we want to watch a
movie. So I thought it would be good to start up ecasound in interactive
mode, with the desired chainsetup, in a terminal window to make it easy to
stop processing and change the chainsetup. With a good bit of trying, I
got that to work: I have an application autostart entry in Sessions and
Startup, that successfully brings up ecasound in interactive mode, in a
terminal window. Only problem is, I still need to go to the terminal
window and type "start". Can I configure the command in my Session
auto-start, or my chain-setup file, so it starts up processing on the
selected chain-setup, without my having to type "start" in the ecasound-iam
session? I tried the -E "start" option, but it didn't seem to work.

My autostart command is: xfce4-terminal
--working-directory=/home/gibbyj/Ecasound -e cs_piano

cs_piano script is:
export TERM=xterm;
export LADSPA_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ladspa:/usr/lib/ladspa;
cd /home/gibbyj/Ecasound;
ecasound -c -s:/home/gibbyj/Ecasound/crossover_3chan_piano.ecs

The piano chainsetup file is:
-n:crossover_3chan_piano_cs \
          -a:pre1 -pf:./pre1.ecp -f:f32_le,5,48000 -i:jack -o:loop,1 \
          -a:pre2,woofer,center,rear -f:f32_le,5,48000 -i:loop,1 \
          -a:pre2 -pf:./pre2.ecp -o:loop,2 \
          -a:mid,tweeter -f:f32_le,5,48000 -i:loop,2 \
          -a:woofer -pf:./woofer.ecp -chorder:1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 \
          -a:mid -pf:./mid.ecp -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0 \
          -a:tweeter -pf:./tweeter.ecp -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2,0,0,0,0 \
          -a:center -pf:./center_nodelay.ecp -chorder:0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0
          -a:rear -pf:./rear.ecp -chorder:0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,5 \
          -a:woofer,mid,tweeter,center,rear -f:f32_le,10,48000 -o:jack \
          -a:all -z:mixmode,sum -z:nodb -B:rtlowlatency -b:64

Maybe I don't need to be using interactive mode; but if I just bring up
ecasound with the piano chainsetup, I'm not sure how to kill and restart it
conveniently; would I use ps -A | grep ecasound and kill all the pid's in a
script somehow? How could I automate that in a script? What I've been
doing instead is just changing the autostart command and rebooting, but
that is a pain.
Thanks for the help!!

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