[ecasound] What is the purpose of AUDIO_IO_DEVICE::io_mode == io_readwrite?

From: Lorenz Minder <lminder@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 04 2011 - 09:58:13 EEST


I have a question regarding the io_mode for an audio device: What is
the purpose of the io_readwrite mode? I was assuming that devices
supporting that mode can then be opened in full duplex mode, if they are
used as both input and output. This would presumably make it easier
(possible?) to synchronize the input stream with the output stream.
However, if it's implemented, and I do

  ./ecasound -i mydevice -o mydevice

ecasound will open two instances of that device, and open the output
device with the io_readwrite mode (the input will be opened as io_read).
It will, however, never attempt to read from that device. If
io_readwrite support is disabled, it will open the output device in
io_write mode, but I didn't notice any other difference in behavior.

So what is the purpose if io_readwrite in that context, and how is a
device supposed to handle that?


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