Re: [ecasound] MIDI feedback for motorized faders

From: Kai Vehmanen <kvehmanen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Mar 12 2011 - 15:41:08 EET


On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Thorvaldur Einarsson wrote:

> The next thing is then to get the MIDI write into Ecasound... Kai, are
> you listening? The other way would then

it's probably best to split this into two use-cases:

1) sending initial values

2) continuously sending out previously recorded changes

The latter will probably never be implemented as that requires a
full-blown MIDI sequencer to be implemented. For this type of use, I
recommend using an external MIDI sequencer and syncing ecasound to that.
Ecasound can send transport state changes via JACK, or via ALSA MIDI APIs
(e.g. sending MIDI MMC start/stop messages).

The first case (just the initial values) is potentially something that
could be implemented with reasonable effort.

Probably fastest solution would be to hack up a python script that uses
Ecasound ECI API (to get controller values), listen for transport state
(either with JACK or ALSA-MIDI, and send out the initial values to the
MIDI controller. ecasound/ecatools/ecamonitor is one simple example of how
to implement the ecasound part.

> I have not used MIDI sequencers, but would that solve the issue of
> getting (say fader) data from Ecasound to the BCF2000? Any
> recommendations for a MIDI sequencer would be welcome.

seq24 is at least one simple option.

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