Re: [ecasound] preparing for release: 2.4.7pre1_2.5.0

From: Linux Media <linuxmedia4@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jul 06 2008 - 02:05:42 EEST

I found a bug...

('Count.wav' is me counting to QJackCtrl's Counter)

If I do...
ecasound -c -i:audioloop,select,4,4,Count.wav -o:jack_alsa...
Then 'setpos 4'...
Then start ecasound...
The Counter starts at 4 sec, and I hear myself saying "4,5,6,7 - 4,5,6,7"
Works perfectly!!!

But, if I do...
setpos 1...
The Counter starts at 1 sec, but I hear myself saying "2,3,4,1 - 2,3,4,1"

If I do...
setpos 2...
Counter starts at 2 sec, but I hear myself saying "4,5,2,3 - 4,5,2,3"

If I do...
setpos 3...
Counter starts at 3 sec, but I hear myself saying "6,3,4,5 - 6,3,4,5"

Ok, forget my prior feature requests (hehe), this one's important
because someone may want to loop along with another Track (or sync to an
external sequencer) starting at a particular time... like this...

                 | <- Start Looping
Drum.wav -1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--
Bass.wav -------------------------

btw... doing...
ecasound -c -i:playat,3,audioloop,select,3,4,Count.wav -o:jack_alsa...
setpos 3...
Starts correctly and plays correctly, but doesn't loop (only plays once
and stops)

Not as important... but a great feature... would be for it to 'Loop In
Place' (QJackCtrl would show it looping at 'Song Position' 3,4,5,6 over
and over again), as opposed to starting at Position 3 and moving down
the 'Time Line' like... 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11... as it loops.

Thanks... these new features are very exciting...

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