Re: [ecasound] "short-length-file-with-effects bug" now unavoidable

From: Linux Media <linuxmedia2@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 10 2008 - 02:32:50 EET

Thanks for responding...

I just tried to replicate the problem with no success. Although, the
last time I replicated it, I (think) I got around it by increasing the
buffer size in Jack.

Just to clearify... The "fluttering and shuttering" (followed by
complete computer lock up sometimes) happens when the input of two
chains are a WAV file and the output is the soundcard. One chain is the
original "dry" audio from the WAV file, and the other chain is a pure
"wet" effect (the "wet" signal in the effect is 100% and the dry signal
is 0%). And it only happens when there's a 3rd chain were the input is
an audio file that is *longer* then the (above) audio file. Everything
plays flawlessly, but When the "short" audio file stops playing (but the
engine is still running), then the problem begins.

Anyways... even (if) it's a bug, I believe I got around it by making the
buffer size larger in Jack.

If I encounter this again, I'll make sure I see if I can isolate what
the culprit is.


Kai Vehmanen wrote:
> Hi,
> finally responding to this, 1+ year old, bug report.
> On Sat, 23 Dec 2006, linuxmedia4@email-addr-hidden wrote:
>> If I run the following ECS file during the running time of "Short.wav"
>> (obviously, "Short.wav" is shorter than the other two files), then
>> sometime after "Short.wav" stops (file ends, but other files are
>> playing) there's extreme "stuttering and shuffling" sounds. On one
>> occasion, it locked up my computer and I had to shut it off without a
>> proper shutdown. But if I do one of two things, the bug doesn't show up...
> Hmm, I've tried out various things to reproduce this. I've tried both with
> ecasound 2.4.4 and the most recent devel version (from the public git
> tree), but I've couldn't reproduce the "stuttering and shuffling".
> Has anyone else had similar experiences (or in general weird mixed
> output after one of the inputs has reached end-of-file)?

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