[ecasound] Announce: Ecmd version 0.80 released

From: Joel Roth <joelz@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Apr 23 2006 - 07:19:54 EEST

After more than a year in limbo, I have completed a new version
of Ecmd, a Perl/Tk user interface for Ecasound.

By incorporating routing logic and managing version numbers
for multiple recorded tracks, Ecmd makes it possible to
conduct an entire recording session with little more than
a few mouse clicks.

Ecmd also features a clever system of output templates that
can route raw, effects-processed or mixdown signals to a
variety of device or file outputs. While I haven't actually
written the templates for interfacing with JACK, it should
be straightforward to do so based on example chain setups.

LADSPA effects are now somewhat supported: Ecmd has
hinted sliders with logarithmic control of frequency and
other effect parameters; however, the program logic currently
assumes (rather naively) that all the plugins will correctly
process a two-channel chain yielding two output channels.

Brave beta-testers will find more sophisticated transport
controls, including a clock and time markers.

Ecmd occupies a similar niche to Tkeca and Visecas,
actually borrowing some code from the former.

Details, screenshots and downloadable files can be found on
the Ecmd website at


Joel Roth
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Received on Sun Apr 23 12:15:01 2006

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