[ecasound] mono to mono. (also: example of 44.1 resample to 8k)

From: Brad Fuller <brad@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 18:16:30 EEST

Kai mentioned that you need to include the format of the output file if
you want to deviate from the default. In my example, I have a mono input
file, and I want to produce a mono output file.

The input in the following two examples is mono with a SR of 8k. I want
a mono output file. But, no matter what I put as the '-f' parameters,
ecasound still outputs a 2channel output file. In fact, I get the same
w/o specifying '-f' or even if I set the #channels to '4'.

here are the examples:

[bfuller@email-addr-hidden test]$ ecasound -f:s16_le,1,8000,n -i:BAT2013_8k.wav
* ecasound v2.3.5 (C) 1997-2004 Kai Vehmanen
- [ Session created ] ------------------------------------------------------
- [ Chainsetup created (cmdline) ] -----------------------------------------
- [ Connecting chainsetup ] ------------------------------------------------
(eca-chainsetup) 'nonrt' buffering mode selected.
(eca-chainsetup) Audio object "BAT2013_8k.wav", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 1, srate 8000, interleaved.
(eca-chainsetup) Audio object "BAT2013_8k_TEST.wav", mode "read/write".
(audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 2, srate 8000, noninterleaved.
- [ Chainsetup connected ] -------------------------------------------------
(eca-controller) Connected chainsetup: "command-line-setup".
- [ Controller/Starting batch processing ] ---------------------------------
- [ Engine init - Driver start ] -------------------------------------------
- [ Controller/Batch processing finished ] ---------------------------------
(eca-controller) Disconnecting chainsetup: "command-line-setup".
- [ Chainsetup disconnected ] ----------------------------------------------

[bfuller@email-addr-hidden test]$ ecasound -f:s16_le,2,8000,n -i:BAT2013_8k.wav
* ecasound v2.3.5 (C) 1997-2004 Kai Vehmanen
- [ Session created ] ------------------------------------------------------
- [ Chainsetup created (cmdline) ] -----------------------------------------
- [ Connecting chainsetup ] ------------------------------------------------
(eca-chainsetup) 'nonrt' buffering mode selected.
(eca-chainsetup) Audio object "BAT2013_8k.wav", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 1, srate 8000, interleaved.
(eca-chainsetup) Audio object "BAT2013_8k_TEST.wav", mode "read/write".
(audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 2, srate 8000, noninterleaved.
- [ Chainsetup connected ] -------------------------------------------------
(eca-controller) Connected chainsetup: "command-line-setup".
- [ Controller/Starting batch processing ] ---------------------------------
- [ Engine init - Driver start ] -------------------------------------------
- [ Controller/Batch processing finished ] ---------------------------------
(eca-controller) Disconnecting chainsetup: "command-line-setup".

Maybe this will be something:
When I try to resample from 44100 to 8000 I receive the following error:

Warning: DBC_CHECK failed - "impl_repp->rt_lock_rep != true",
samplebuffer.cpp, 850.

Here's the whole stdout. BAT2013.wav is 44100, mono. From the outputed
text, it looks like ecasound thinks that the input file is 8k. (Maybe i
have the args wrong.)

[bfuller@email-addr-hidden test]$ ecasound -f:16,1,8000 -i:resample,44100,BAT2013.wav
* ecasound v2.3.5 (C) 1997-2004 Kai Vehmanen
- [ Session created ] ------------------------------------------------------
- [ Chainsetup created (cmdline) ] -----------------------------------------
- [ Connecting chainsetup ] ------------------------------------------------
(eca-chainsetup) 'nonrt' buffering mode selected.
(eca-chainsetup) Audio object "BAT2013.wav", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 1, srate 8000, interleaved.
(eca-chainsetup) Audio object "BAT2013_8k.wav", mode "read/write".
(audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 1, srate 8000, interleaved.
- [ Chainsetup connected ] -------------------------------------------------
(eca-controller) Connected chainsetup: "command-line-setup".
- [ Controller/Starting batch processing ] ---------------------------------
- [ Engine init - Driver start ] -------------------------------------------
Warning: DBC_CHECK failed - "impl_repp->rt_lock_rep != true",
samplebuffer.cpp, 850.
- [ Controller/Batch processing finished ] ---------------------------------
(eca-controller) Disconnecting chainsetup: "command-line-setup".
- [ Chainsetup disconnected ] ----------------------------------------------

When looking at the source, I see:

 * Sets the number of audio channels.
void SAMPLE_BUFFER::number_of_channels(channel_size_t len)
  // std::cerr << "(samplebuffer_impl) ch-count changes from " <<
channel_count_rep << " to " << len << ".\n";

  if (len > static_cast<channel_size_t>(buffer.size())) {
    DBC_CHECK(impl_repp->rt_lock_rep != true);

Maybe the two issues are related, maybe not.


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