[ecasound] Help in lp sampling procedure

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Subject: [ecasound] Help in lp sampling procedure
From: anarcat (anarcat@tao.ca)
Date: Wed Apr 11 2001 - 00:57:48 EEST


I am part of a band (Orange Seeds) who tend to do mass recordings of jam
session on a cheapo 4-track. I have managed to do a few CD demos using
my decent SB16C sound card using Windows software (mainly Wavelab).

But now, my windows install crashed. Horribly. And anyways, I hate it.
:) So I'm back to you guys. What I need to do, basically, is to take
input from my sound card and split it into wave tracks. Some fade in and
fade outs would also be useful, but appart from that, all I need is to
split input on correct places.

WaveLab was wonderful for this because I could see quite clearly where I
was and it also has nice batch processing features. I end up having,
say, 10 stereo tracks that I minimally manipulate (trim off begin and
end silences, fade out horrible endings, etc), and save to wave.

My usual procedure was then to switch back to unix (FreeBSD) and burn
the audio to a cd using cdrecord. Worked like a charm.

So my question is: how can the ecasound suite help me record these
tracks cleanly and efficiently?

I know of the tools available (ecasound, qtecasound, ecawave) but I have
very little experience using them (I just achieved the porting of
ecasound to freebsd). ;)

I know that I had a lot of problems using ecawave, because of a too
small /var/tmp...

Also, as a side... cdrecord complains that the tracks are not the good
size, most of the time. My usual workaround is to use the -pad option
which pads the track with silence. Surely there's a better way, no?

Thank you for your help,


BTW: www: http://tao.ca/~anarcat/orange/

MP3s coming as soon as I resolve this problem. :)
Crappy ones available upon request.

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