[ecasound] Re: [linux-audio-dev] realtime effects with ecasound.

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Subject: [ecasound] Re: [linux-audio-dev] realtime effects with ecasound.
From: Kai Vehmanen (k@eca.cx)
Date: Thu Mar 08 2001 - 00:44:29 EET

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Patrick Shirkey wrote:

> What is the feasibility of using ecapedal in a chain setup environment?
> I have tried yet but what I am imagining is running say 5 ecapedals in
> a chain. Would I be able to have 5 multiple inputs to each ecapedal?

Ok, I'm not entiry sure what you mean by this, but I think this is
possible. However, ecamegapedal is probably not the right tool. At least
now, it's just a small, fun-centered GUI app for playing with ecasound and
LADSPA effects.

Btw; for all guitarists - try ecamegapedal with the
     "dali" preset! ;) Even though I've managed to gather some
     strange effect boxes during the years, nothing sounds
     this weird. Haven't tried with other instruments yet.
Btw2; ecamegapedal comes with the latest qtecasound - you
      also need ecasound 1.9dev4 to be installed

> sample1->ecapedal1->ecapedal2->ecapedal3->ecapedal4--|
> sample2----| | | | |
> sample5---------------------------------------| |
> output

What actually are these 'sample1..5' objects? Do you refer to audio files
or soundcard devices?

On mechanism that might deliver what you are describing is ecasound's
presets system. From user's point of view (and ecasound's, as a matter of
fact), native effects, LADSPA plugins and effects presets are just the
same. But ecasound preset are not just effects with a certain set of param
values. Presets are like small ecasound's engine's concealed as effects.
So it's possible to have a multi-chain configuration of effects and LADSPA
plugins, as one effect preset.

> Would each pedal be able to be bypassed without dropouts in the sound and in realtime?

Well, you can either mute chains (ie. all operators attached to specific
chains), or add extra amplify effects, which we can use for muting
(setting gain to 0).

> Would it be possible to setup multiple setups of ecapedal chains all accesible in realtime?

Ok, with multiple presets, no problem. But I'm starting to think that I've
misinterpreted your proposal. Hmm, how about: you want to run multiple GUI
apps, each controlling a separate part of the effect network? In that
case, ecamegapedal needs more work. On the other hand, ecamegapedal as it
is now, consists of about 300 (!) lines of code, and took 2-3 hours to
write (wink, wink, libecasound ain't that bad ;)).

> Am I asking questions that have been covered a million times already
> and are they one of the reasons people want a gui standard for ladspa?

Actually no and no. Ecamegapedal, ecawave, sweep, ardour (I haven't
checked its LADSPA GUI, but I rely on Paul that it is good ;)), gdam, etc
are good examples that the current LADSPA model (no plugin specific GUI)
works, and is enough to graphically configure and use the plugins. Of
course, this doesn't mean the situation can't be improved. This is where
the new XML-GUI spec comes along.

> If there are any other projects out there that are attempting this in
> Linux I am interested in seeing your work.

Well, I'm not sure of the current status, but there has at least been lots
of active projects in this area: gdam, terminatorX, some effects thingie
project based on ardour codebase (what's the status of this?), Quasimodo,
jMax, PD, etc, etc... Plus I'd check David's Sound&MIDI pages for various
"guitar fx" and "realtime fx" apps. Anyway, you have a lot to choose from.

Now the difficult part seems to be find the right concept. A good balance
between flexibility and intuitivity, generality and compromises. This
isn't as easy as it sounds.

 . http://www.eca.cx ... [ audio software for linux ] /\ . 
 . http://www.eca.cx/aivastus ... [ aivastus net radio ] /\ .

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