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From: Jeremy Hall (jhall@UU.NET)
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 02:45:17 EEST


I ran something like
-n:somename -b:1 -m:mthreaded
-a:1 -f:16,2,44100 -i tr1.raw
-a:2 -f:16,1,44100 -i tr2.wav
-a:3 -f:16,1,44100 -i tr3.wav
-a:4 -f:16,1,44100 -i tr4.wav
-a:5 -f:16,1,44100 -i tr5.wav
-a:6,7,8 -f:16,2,44100 -i loop,1
-a:2,3,4,5 -o loop,1
-a:1,6,7,8 -o /tmp/out-peppy.raw

-a:2 -erc:1,2 -ea:1200 -enm:n,n,n,n,n
-a:3 -erc,1,2 -ea:1300 -enm:n,n,n,n,n
-a:4 -erc:1,2 -ea:800 -enm:n,n,n,n,n
-a:5 -erc:1,2 -ea:1400 -enm:n,n,n,n,n
-a:6 -erc:2,1 -epp:0 -el:freeverb1,0.85,0.21,0,0 -ea:300
-a:7 -erc:1,2 -epp:100 -el:freeverb1,0.85,0.21,0,0 -ea:-100 -ea:300
-a:8 -ea:300


I chose a buffer size of 1 because I didn't want latency between the
channels and the loops. My kernel has the lowlatency patches installed,
and it set to work mixing the channels down.

It was writing the final file to an NFS volume, but the others were
reading from the same partition, the same directory. The process
misteriously stopped before finishing the file, I didn't thyink much of
it...I thought there was just some wierd interaction in ecasound, one of
those things that just sortta happens...play with ecasound for a
while...you'll get used to it.

I set the debug level to 10, and tried to reconnect the chain setup...not
mutch happened, so I pressed ctrl-c.

oh maybe I DO have this thing.

Here are pongo's last words.

Setting parameters: amp-% = 75.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Channel copy" ]
Setting parameters: from-channel = 1.00, to-channel = 2.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 1300.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Noisegate" ]
Setting parameters: threshold-level-% = 0.50, pre-hold-time-msec = 20.00,
attack-time-msec = 300.00, post-hold-time-msec = 2.00, release-time-msec =
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 150.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Channel copy" ]
Setting parameters: from-channel = 1.00, to-channel = 2.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 1330.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Normal pan" ]
Setting parameters: right-% = 25.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Noisegate" ]
Setting parameters: threshold-level-% = 1.00, pre-hold-time-msec = 20.00,
attack-time-msec = 100.00, post-hold-time-msec = 2.00, release-time-msec =
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 140.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Channel copy" ]
Setting parameters: from-channel = 1.00, to-channel = 2.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 1290.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Normal pan" ]
Setting parameters: right-% = 75.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Noisegate" ]
Setting parameters: threshold-level-% = 1.00, pre-hold-time-msec = 20.00,
attack-time-msec = 100.00, post-hold-time-msec = 2.00, release-time-msec =
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 120.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Channel copy" ]
Setting parameters: from-channel = 1.00, to-channel = 2.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 1620.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Noisegate" ]
Setting parameters: threshold-level-% = 1.00, pre-hold-time-msec = 20.00,
attack-time-msec = 100.00, post-hold-time-msec = 2.00, release-time-msec =
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 118.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Channel copy" ]
Setting parameters: from-channel = 1.00, to-channel = 2.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Normal pan" ]
Setting parameters: right-% = 100.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding LADSPA-plugin "LADSPA/Freeverb" ]
Setting parameters: Room Size = 0.85, Damping = 0.20, Wet Level = 0.00,
Dry Level = 0.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 300.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Channel copy" ]
Setting parameters: from-channel = 2.00, to-channel = 1.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Normal pan" ]
Setting parameters: right-% = 0.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding LADSPA-plugin "LADSPA/Freeverb" ]
Setting parameters: Room Size = 0.85, Damping = 0.20, Wet Level = 0.00,
Dry Level = 0.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 300.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = -100.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Amplify" ]
Setting parameters: amp-% = 300.00
(eca-controller) Selected chainsetup: "the-rose9".
(eca-controller) Loaded chainsetup from file "the-rose10.fil".
ecasound ('h' for help)> cs-connect
- [ Chainsetup/Enabling audio inputs ]
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "t1.raw", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format s16_le, channels 2, srate 44100.
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "t2.wav", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format s16_le, channels 1, srate 44100.
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "t3.wav", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format s16_le, channels 1, srate 44100.
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "t4.wav", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format s16_le, channels 1, srate 44100.
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "t5.wav", mode "read".
(audio-io) Format s16_le, channels 1, srate 44100.
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "loop,1", mode "read/write".
(audio-io) Format s16_le, channels 2, srate 44100.
- [ Chainsetup/Enabling audio outputs ]
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "loop,1", mode "read/write".
(audio-io) Format s16_le, channels 2, srate 44100.
(eca-audio-objects) Audio object "/peppy/the-rose.wav", mode "read/write".
(audio-io) Format s16_le, channels 2, srate 44100.
(eca-controller) Connected chainsetup: "the-rose9".
ecasound ('h' for help)> t
- [ Controller/Processing started ]
ecasound ('h' for help)> - [ Engine/Init - mixmode "multithreaded
interactive" ] --------------------
- [ Submix-thread ready ]
setpos 0
ecasound ('h' for help)> fs
- [ Controller/Audio input/output status ]
Input (i1): "t1.raw" - [Raw audio file]
        connected to chains "1": position (188.244/237.470) seconds.
Input (i2): "t2.wav" - [RIFF wave file]
        connected to chains "2": position (188.244/223.749) seconds.
Input (i3): "t3.wav" - [RIFF wave file]
        connected to chains "3": position (178.723/178.723) seconds.
Input (i4): "t4.wav" - [RIFF wave file]
        connected to chains "4": position (174.865/174.865) seconds.
Input (i5): "t5.wav" - [RIFF wave file]
        connected to chains "5": position (174.042/174.042) seconds.
Input (i6): "" - [Internal loop device]
        connected to chains "6,7,8": position (0.000/0.000) seconds.
Output (o1): "" - [Internal loop device]
        connected to chains "2,3,4,5": position (0.000/0.000) seconds.
Output (o2): "/peppy/the-rose.wav" - [RIFF wave file]
        connected to chains "1,6,7,8": position (188.244/188.244) seconds.
ecasound ('h' for help)> debug 10
Debug level set to 10.
ecasound ('h' for help)> t
ecasound ('h' for help)> cs-connect
- [ Controller/Processing stopped ]
(eca-controller-base) Received stop-cond

Unexpected interrupt... cleaning up.
ECA_SESSION destructor!
ECA_CHAINSETUP destructor!
Unexpected interrupt... cleaning up.
pure virtual method called

and THAT was all that happened. Some processes that were running still
ran from memory, but when I went down a few hours later to hit the reset
button, the drive was spinning at uneven rates. I powered down the
computer in dim hopes it might cool and then somehow magically recover? :P


MAN, how could this happen?


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This archive was generated by hypermail 2b28 : Fri May 26 2000 - 02:46:22 EEST