[ecasound] Feature request: supporting JACK latency API

From: Joel Roth <joelz@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 21 2015 - 19:07:26 EET

Hi Kai and other Ecasound developers,

I know that Ecasound is being maintained, and that
development has slowed a bit in recent years.

I'm wondering if there is any possibility to introduce
minimal support for the JACK latency API.

I'd like for Nama to handle as much of this as possible,
however am encountering some difficulties registering a
callback with JACK from perl.

What I'm considering is the least that Ecasound would need
to do for ECI users, such as Nama. Here is what I come up

+ Register a latency callback for each port

+ Set a status flag when the callback is triggered by jackd

+ The status would be made available to an ECI command, e.g.
  check-port-latency-update-flag that the user could poll for.

+ A few more ECI commands would be needed to handle propagating latency:
  - get-port-input-latency
  - set-port-output-latency
  - clear-port-update-flag

Curious how much work would be involved in this. From what I
understand, Ecasound is structured well enough that someone
other than Kai should be able to write this, however
some comment from Ecasound's main developer would be
very welcome :)

Best wishes,


Joel Roth
Ecasound-list mailing list
Received on Mon Dec 21 20:15:02 2015

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