[ecasound] torture-testing -z:nodb scenarios

From: linux media 4 <linuxmedia4@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun May 20 2012 - 02:00:57 EEST


I've seen many post here about enabling/disabling double buffering and
I'm still confused about what can go wrong with -z:nodb set.

I've been writing an Front End to Ecasound for about 8 years (and
therefore running on a regular basis as I test new features). It's a
'Jack Only' program. So everything I say pertains to Ecasound/Jack.

I'm currently running ecasound v2.8.1 but have not had any unusual
behavior the whole 8 years of testing my front end with prior versions
of ecasound with -z:nodb set.

I need to say several things. First, I have the most well tuned system.
I run Fedora + CCRMA and that addresses just about any issue necessary
to allow for most well tuned system for audio work. I also run Jack and
Ecasound in 'Realtime Mode'. Also... the 'Recording Hard Drive' is
separate so that the only Input/Output is from Ecasound (all System
Activity happens on the other Hard Drive).

So far, I've not seen anything unusual with normal use. What kinds of
things could go wrong by using -z:nodb? I would be glad to torture-test
any scenarios if you can point me to what can go wrong using -z:nodb.


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Received on Sun May 20 04:15:04 2012

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