[ecasound] analyselv2

From: S. Massy <lists@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 19 2012 - 02:28:22 EEST


With LV2 support now present in ecasound, and hence in nama, I have
found out that the utilities describing the plugins aren't very friendly
to the human reader with their long URI and properties strings. So after
some frustrating time, I finally decided to bite the bullet and write
some ugly code to hopefully make the layout of lv2 plugins more
intelligible at a glance. The result is analyselv2, which I attach to
this message. Right now it will:
- Take a plugin URI (obtained using lv2-register in ecasound,
  find_effects from nama, or lv2ls from the shell) and output plugin
  information closely resembling that of analyseplugin.
- If the string is just alphanumeric, it will perform a search on the
  list of plugins installed and either display the info for the plugin
  if a single match occurs or return the URIs of matching plugins.

You need the lv2info and lv2ls utilities installed in your $PATH. to
use, rename it to analyselv2 and make it executable. Please let me know
if you find this useful so I know whether to bother making this more
generally available.

Oh yes, btw, the code is very ugly, so don't look at it unless you've
had a stiff drink before. :)



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Received on Sat May 19 04:15:04 2012

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