[ecasound] Wishlist: Clip warning operator

From: S. Massy <lists@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Apr 15 2012 - 22:18:51 EEST


Before anything else, thanks Kai for cop-bypass and for ecasound in
general. The text-based audio world is much richer for your
long-standing work!

One nice feature of sox is its clip monitoring ability: as it processes
data, it will issue a warning when a sample is clipped and a total count
of such occurences at the end. Now, ecasignalview does something like
this, but it would be useful to have an chain op to do something
similar. In terms of nama, it would be great to have something like this
sitting in the master bus along with a limiter to prevent nasty
surprises and yet be alerted at once when going over the line, so to
speak. (A typo whilst modifying a compressor's parameters can yield
interesting and startling results!)

In general, I'd like to plant the seed for the idea of more signal
analysis and monitoring ops in ecasound. Over on the nama list, I
mentioned how I use the output from -ev to get a rough idea of how much
compression to apply on a signal, for instance. I've no idea how much
interest there is for such features, though, so I don't know how much
incentive there would be to implement them.


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