[ecasound] problem with path on 2.6.0 and latest dev snapshot

From: Jason Galyon <jgalyon@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jun 30 2009 - 23:59:43 EEST

using either 2.6.0 final or ecasound-2.7.0+dev-20090422 I get an error
with input of files as below unless I copy them to a shorter path and
then run ecasound. I have for troubleshooting purposes set the mode
recursively to 777 for the sound files and directories up the hierarchy.

See end of email for full debugging output:

Long path:
root@email-addr-hidden-12-31-39-00-41-42:~# ecasound
* ecasound v2.7.0+dev-20090422 (C) 1997-2009 Kai Vehmanen and
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-session) NOTE: Unable to create a valid chainsetup from the
command-line arguments.
(eca-chainsetup) Unable to connect: No inputs in the current chainsetup.
Warning: type DBC_NEVER_REACHED soft-assert '(null)' failed at
 -> eca-control-main.cpp:63 [(null)]

after copying the file to foo.mp3 in same directory:
root@email-addr-hidden-12-31-39-00-41-42:~# ecasound -i:foo.mp3
* ecasound v2.7.0+dev-20090422 (C) 1997-2009 Kai Vehmanen and
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-chainsetup) "nonrt" buffering mode selected.
(eca-chainsetup) Opened input "foo.mp3", mode "read". Format: s16_le,
channels 2, srate 44100, interleaved (locked
... params).
(eca-chainsetup) Opened output "bar.wav", mode "read/write (update)".
Format: s16_le, channels 2, srate 44100,
... interleaved (locked params).
- [ Connected chainsetup: "untitled-chainsetup" ] ------------------------
- [ Controller/Starting batch processing ] -------------------------------
- [ Engine - Driver start ] ----------------------------------------------
(eca-engine) Using realtime-scheduling (SCHED_FIFO:50).

- [ Engine - Processing finished ] ---------------------------------------
- [ Controller/Batch processing finished (0) ] ---------------------------
- [ Engine exiting ] -----------------------------------------------------
(eca-control-objects) Disconnecting chainsetup: "untitled-chainsetup".

I am a lot confused now, any ideas?

full debugging (-ddd) output:
root@email-addr-hidden-12-31-39-00-41-42:~# ecasound -ddd
*        ecasound v2.7.0+dev-20090422 (C) 1997-2009 Kai Vehmanen and
(eca-session) Set debug level to: 511
(eca-session) Session created
(resource-file) Loading file /usr/local/share/ecasound/ecasoundrc.
(resource-file) Loading file /root/.ecasound/ecasoundrc.
(audioio-db-server) constructor
(eca-chainsetup) Rtcaps detected.
(resource-file) Loading file /usr/local/share/ecasound/ecasoundrc.
(resource-file) Loading file /root/.ecasound/ecasoundrc.
(eca-chainsetup) Using hardcoded defaults for "default-audio-format".
(eca-chainsetup-parser) Interpreting object option "-f:s16_le,2,44100,i".
(eca-chainsetup-parser) Changed active format to
(bits/channels/srate/interleave): s16_le/2/44100/i
(eca-chainsetup) sample rate change, chainsetup untitled-chainsetup to
rate 44100.
(eca-chainsetup-parser) Interpreting object option "-z:mixmode,avg".
(eca-static-object-maps) register_chain_operator_objects()
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): eS to regexp ^eS$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ea to regexp ^ea$
(eca-object-map) match (1): eadb to regexp ^eadb$
(eca-object-map) match (1): eac to regexp ^eac$
(eca-object-map) match (1): eal to regexp ^eal$
(eca-object-map) match (1): eaw to regexp ^eaw$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ec to regexp ^ec$
(eca-object-map) match (1): eca to regexp ^eca$
(eca-object-map) match (1): eemb to regexp ^eemb$
(eca-object-map) match (1): eemp to regexp ^eemp$
(eca-object-map) match (1): eemt to regexp ^eemt$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ef1 to regexp ^ef1$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ef3 to regexp ^ef3$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ef4 to regexp ^ef4$
(eca-object-map) match (1): efa to regexp ^efa$
(eca-object-map) match (1): efb to regexp ^efb$
(eca-object-map) match (1): efc to regexp ^efc$
(eca-object-map) match (1): efh to regexp ^efh$
(eca-object-map) match (1): efi to regexp ^efi$
(eca-object-map) match (1): efl to regexp ^efl$
(eca-object-map) match (1): efr to regexp ^efr$
(eca-object-map) match (1): efs to regexp ^efs$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ei to regexp ^ei$
(eca-object-map) match (1): enm to regexp ^enm$
(eca-object-map) match (1): epp to regexp ^epp$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): chorder to regexp ^chorder$
(eca-object-map) match (1): chcopy to regexp ^chcopy$
(eca-object-map) match (1): erc to regexp ^erc$
(eca-object-map) match (1): chmove to regexp ^chmove$
(eca-object-map) match (1): chmute to regexp ^chmute$
(eca-object-map) match (1): erm to regexp ^erm$
(eca-object-map) match (1): chmix to regexp ^chmix$
(eca-object-map) match (1): etc to regexp ^etc$
(eca-object-map) match (1): etd to regexp ^etd$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ete to regexp ^ete$
(eca-object-map) match (1): etf to regexp ^etf$
(eca-object-map) match (1): etl to regexp ^etl$
(eca-object-map) match (1): etm to regexp ^etm$
(eca-object-map) match (1): etp to regexp ^etp$
(eca-object-map) match (1): etr to regexp ^etr$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ev to regexp ^ev$
(eca-object-map) match (1): evp to regexp ^evp$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ezf to regexp ^ezf$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ezx to regexp ^ezx$
(eca-object-map) match (1): gc to regexp ^gc$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ge to regexp ^ge$
(eca-static-object-maps) register_controller_objects()
(eca-object-map) match (1): kf to regexp ^kf$
(eca-object-map) match (1): kog to regexp ^kog$
(eca-object-map) match (1): kl to regexp ^kl$
(eca-object-map) match (1): kl2 to regexp ^kl2$
(eca-object-map) match (1): klg to regexp ^klg$
(eca-object-map) match (1): km to regexp ^km$
(eca-object-map) match (1): kos to regexp ^kos$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): ksv to regexp ^ksv$
(eca-chainsetup) Using hardcoded defaults for "bmode-defaults-nonrt".
(eca-chainsetup) Using hardcoded defaults for "bmode-defaults-rt".
(eca-chainsetup) Using hardcoded defaults for "bmode-defaults-rtlowlatency".
(eca-chain) constructor: CHAIN
(eca-chainsetup) Chain "default" created.
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-session) NOTE: Unable to create a valid chainsetup from the
command-line arguments.
(eca-control) ECA_CONTROL constructor
(eca-control) processing cmd and arg: -o:bar.wav
(eca-control) passiong to cs-option: -o:bar.wav
(eca-chainsetup-parser) Interpreting global option "-o:bar.wav".
(eca-chainsetup-parser) Interpreting object option "-o:bar.wav".
(eca-static-object-maps) register_audio_io_rt_objects()
(eca-object-map) match (1): /dev/dsp to regexp /dev/dsp[0-9]*
(eca-object-map) match (1): /dev/sound/dsp to regexp /dev/sound/dsp[0-9]*
(eca-object-map) match (1): rtnull to regexp ^rtnull$
(eca-object-map) match (1): alsahw_09 to regexp
(eca-object-map) match (1): alsa_09 to regexp ^alsa_09$
(eca-object-map) match (1): alsahw to regexp ^alsahw$
(eca-object-map) match (1): alsaplugin to regexp ^alsaplugin$
(eca-object-map) match (1): alsa to regexp ^alsa$
(eca-static-object-maps) register_audio_io_nonrt_objects()
(eca-object-map) match (1): wav to regexp wav$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): ewf to regexp ewf$
(eca-object-map) match (1): cdr to regexp cdr$
(eca-object-map) match (1): raw to regexp raw$
(eca-object-map) match (1): mp3 to regexp mp3$
(eca-object-map) match (1): mp2 to regexp mp2$
(eca-object-map) match (1): ogg to regexp ogg$
(eca-object-map) match (1): mikmod to regexp
... |(ult$)|(uni$)
(eca-object-map) match (1): mid to regexp (mid$)|(midi$)
(eca-object-map) match (1): aac to regexp aac$
(eca-object-map) match (1): mp4 to regexp mp4$
(eca-object-map) match (1): m4a to regexp m4a$
(eca-static-object-maps) All libsndfile supported extensions:
(eca-object-map) match (1): sndfile to regexp
... f*$)|(au$)|(snd$)
(eca-object-map) match (1): audiofile to regexp (^audiofile$)
(eca-object-map) match (1): - to regexp ^-$
(eca-object-map) match (1): stdin to regexp ^stdin$
(eca-object-map) match (1): stdout to regexp ^stdout$
(eca-object-map) match (1): null to regexp ^null$
(eca-object-map) match (1): typeselect to regexp ^typeselect$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): resample to regexp ^resample$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): resample-hq to regexp ^resample-hq$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): resample-lq to regexp ^resample-lq$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): reverse to regexp ^reverse$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): tone to regexp ^tone$
(samplebuffer) Buffer created, channels: 0, length-samples: 0.
(eca-object-map) match (1): audioloop to regexp ^(audioloop|select|playat)$
(eca-object-map) match (1): bar.wav to regexp wav$
(eca-object-factory) Object "-o:bar.wav" created, type "RIFF wave file".
Has 2 parameter(s) (variable: no).
(eca-chainsetup-parser) adding file "bar.wav".
(audioio) set srate, aobj "RIFF wave file:bar.wav" to 44100.
(audioio-db-client) DB-client created for bar.wav.
(audioio) set srate, aobj "DB => RIFF wave file:uninitialized" to 44100.
(audioio) set srate, aobj "RIFF wave file:bar.wav" to 44100.
(audioio) set srate, aobj "RIFF wave file:bar.wav" to 44100.
(eca-chainsetup) Assigning file to chains: default
(eca-chainsetup) Unable to connect: No inputs in the current chainsetup.
Warning: type DBC_NEVER_REACHED soft-assert '(null)' failed at
 -> eca-control-main.cpp:63 [(null)]
(eca-control) ECA_CONTROL destructor
(eca-session) ECA_SESSION destructor-in
(eca-chainsetup) ECA_CHAINSETUP destructor-in
(eca-chainsetup) Deleting chain "default".
(eca-chain) CHAIN destructor!
(eca-chainsetup) Deleting audio db-client "bar.wav".
(audioio-db-client) destructor bar.wav.
(audioio-db-server) unregister_client RIFF wave file.
(audioio-db-server) unregister_client failed (2)
(eca-chainsetup) Deleting audio object "bar.wav".
(audioio-db-server) destructor
(audioio-db-server) destructor-out
(eca-chainsetup) ECA_CHAINSETUP destructor-out
(eca-session) ECA_SESSION destructor-out
Thanks for any info and assistance!
Jason Galyon
Silver Screen Tele-Reality, Inc. 
http://www.sister.tv | http://www.videocarlot.tv
Phone: 972-855-3500 |  Fax: 413-778-2146
Ecasound-list mailing list
Received on Wed Jul 1 00:15:02 2009

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