[ecasound] [ANN] Ecasound/Nama recorder-mixer version 0.991

From: Joel Roth <joelz@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 15 2009 - 08:02:57 EET

Thanks to the patient testing and suggestions by
Julien Claassen, I'm pleased to announce a shiny
new version of Nama.

New features since the last update include:

- Auto JACK detection
- Play head repositioning works properly with JACK (thanks, Kai!)
- Full support for Ecasound controllers (and controller-controllers)
  In GUI mode, click on the target parameter label
- Auxiliary sends to a soundcard channel or JACK client
- Preview mode tests setup without writing WAV files
- Autocompletion for text commands and project names
- Recognize all ecasound-iam commands from int-cmd-list
- Command parser seems to work perfectly
- Automatically update effects data cache detecting new
  LADSPA plugins and Ecasound presets
- 'bunch' and 'for' commands for executing commands
  on several tracks at once
- A 'null' group for a metronome track

Other recent improvements:

- Autoconnect of JACK clients as track inputs
- Arbitrary track width (stereo and mono commands)
- Track soloing (solo/all commands)
- Find_effect command. 'find_effect chorus' lists
  plugins/presets/controllers containing 'chorus'. You can
  use multiple keywords.
- Support Ecasound input objects playat, select, audioloop,
- Looping over chain setup between arbitrary points

You can install from CPAN thusly:

        cpan Tk
        cpan Audio::Ecasound::Multitrack

        (Other dependencies: Ecasound, LADSPA SDK, BSD 'file' utility)

Or get the sources from github:

        git-clone git://github.com/bolangi/nama
        cpan Text::Template
        cd nama/src
        ./ui (runs Nama)

And if this works:

        cd ..
        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

Nama's current feature set more or less completes my vision
for a SuperEcasound. Provided there is sufficient interest,
it would be nice to consider future developments such as
adding record/playback of realtime MIDI controller inputs,
fades, LASH support, and convenient setup of
multiple buses.

Thanks to all who've helped and inspired.


Joel Roth
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