[ecasound] [ANN] Nama recorder-mixer version 0.98

From: Joel Roth <joelz@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jan 06 2009 - 15:22:32 EET

Yet another version of Nama is available at CPAN
for your multitrack recording pleasure. We are
approaching a 1.0 release!

Here are the newest changes:

- Track soloing
- Documentation rewrite
- Pager for long text listings
- Simplified config file
- Use -chcopy and -chmove in chain setups
- Many bug fixes
- Simplified build procedure aid source browsing/tinkering

And the major features:

- Familiar mixer configuration
- Tracks
    + can be mono, stereo or any desired width
        + volume/pan and any number of effects
    + signal sources from soundcard or JACK clients
        + Multiple WAV versions per track
        + playat, reverse, select, audioloop
- Very flexible template-based signal routing allows for multiple buses
- Tk based GUI
    + main window and effects window
    + auto-hinting of LADSPA plugin parameters range and linear/log
        + stable, lightweight
    + no dialog boxes considered a feature
- Full-featured text UI
          + Executes Ecasound commands, Nama commands, shell commands or perl code
    + multiple commands per line
    + help for commands and plugins
- Automated connection to JACK clients
- Looping over entire chain setup
- Full diagnostics including all data structures
- Persistent settings stored as text. This allows
  version control of song parameter tweaks using git and
  friends. May be automated in future.
- Hackable, extensible
- Per-project configuration files

The easiest way to install Nama is from CPAN:
         cpan Audio::Ecasound::Multitrack

If you'd prefer to install from sources, you can copy the
repository thus:

        git clone git://github.com/bolangi/nama.git

Build instructions are found in the README.
I'm interested in any comments, bug reports, feature
requests, etc. you may have.


Joel Roth
Ecasound-list mailing list
Received on Tue Jan 6 16:15:02 2009

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