[ecasound] working with multi track file

From: <reza@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 01 2009 - 21:31:59 EET

Hi All,

I am new in using ecasound cmd-line to process audio files.

I have a numbers of .wav sample files and want to mix them into single mp3
file. each .wav file has length (duration) 4secs

Let's say the files arranged in matrix format like this:

Segment1 Segment2 Segment3 Segment4
41_1_3254 NULL 41_1_3257 41_1_3259
NULL 41_2_3264 41_2_3273 NULL
41_3_3284 41_3_3286 41_3_3280 NULL
41_4_3293 41_4_3297 41_4_3298 NULL

what I'm trying to do is:
1. mixdown each segment into a single loop device
2. mix all segments (loop) with certain start position into a single file
3. get an mp3 output from combination of .wav samples

Then I use ecasound cmdline like this,
ecasound \
-a:s1_t1 -i:samples/41/41_1_3254.wav -y:0 \
-a:s1_t3 -i:samples/41/41_3_3281.wav -y:0 \
-a:s1_t4 -i:samples/41/41_4_3293.wav -y:0 \
-a:s1_t1,s1_t3,s1_t4 -o loop,s1 \
-a:s2_t2 -i:samples/41/41_2_3264.wav -y:4 \
-a:s2_t3 -i:samples/41/41_3_3286.wav -y:4 \
-a:s2_t4 -i:samples/41/41_4_3297.wav -y:4 \
-a:s2_t2,s2_t3,s2_t4 -o loop,s2 \
-a:s3_t1 -i:samples/41/41_1_3257.wav -y:8 \
-a:s3_t2 -i:samples/41/41_2_3273.wav -y:8 \
-a:s3_t3 -i:samples/41/41_3_3280.wav -y:8 \
-a:s3_t4 -i:samples/41/41_4_3298.wav -y:8 \
-a:s3_t1,s3_t2,s3_t3,s3_t4 -o loop,s3 \
-a:s4_t1 -i:samples/41/41_1_3259.wav -y:12 \
-o loop,s4 \
-a:s1 -i:loop,s1 \
-a:s2 -i:loop,s2 \
-a:s3 -i:loop,s3 \
-a:s4 -i:loop,s4 \
-a:s1,s2,s3,s4 -o output/mixed.mp3

output file (mixed.mp3) created, but only contains segment1, while I'm
expecting a single mp3 file contains all segments.

Anyone in this list can point me where the mistake I have done?

Thanks for response.


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Received on Fri Jan 2 00:15:02 2009

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