Re: [ecasound] Creating mp3 teasers?

From: Linux Media <linuxmedia2@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 14 2008 - 14:19:55 EET

I thought this would be a good one-day project, so I created this (GUI)
program that will do what you need. I don't have an MP3 helper installed
for ecasound, but it has been fairly tested with WAV files. Please let
me know if it worked with MP3s.

Simply run in a shell... /PathTo/SoundClips.tcl

- Set the perimeters the way you want them
- Click 'Audition Clip' and choose an audio file (for previewing the new
- When it sounds right, click "Create Clip" and choose the same file

'Clipped Files' will have the same name as the original and will be put
in a sub directory in the same directory as the original file. 'Clipped'
files will be overwritten any time you decide to clip a song you
previously clipped.

It _will_ allow you to input inappropriate numbers. And even with
appropriate perimeters, there's no guarantees. I know it worked for me
(with slight variations between different sound cards and files with
different sample rates/bit depths). It's unlikely you will compromise
any data or that it will cause any problems, but I give you the usual
freeware warnings.

Let me know how it worked

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Received on Mon Jan 14 16:15:02 2008

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