[ecasound] ecasound+jack

From: Tobias Jung <saibotgnuj@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 23 2006 - 17:16:21 EET

i'm new here, so sorry if the question has been asked before..
I'd like to know how to connect a ecasound output-channel to a certain output-channel of the jack-server.

In detail, ihave 7 different mono-wavefiles whch i want to playback on 7 different alsa-playbacks over the jack-server.
I can tell jack to do this without using ecasound commands, just playing all files with

"ecasound -a:1 -i part1.wav -o jack \-a:2 -i part2.wav -o jack \-a:3 -i part3.wav -o jack ..."
and over jack with
" jack_connect ecasound:out_1 alsa_pcm:playback_1"
for example, but i think it has to be possible in a direct way over ecasound.

thaks a lot for help!!
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