[ecasound] Files not being mixed in?

From: Brian Hogg <brian@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 14 2006 - 16:00:02 EET

Hi all,

I'm having a strange issue with ecasound. When I'm mixing a bunch of
files using ewf's, the standard format of ecasound -a:1 -i:blah.ewf -a:2
-i:blah2.ewf -a:1,2 -o test.mp3 -t:45 , some of the files are not being
mixed in. They are all .wav files, and though they may be of different
"formats" (some may be mono vs stereo, or different sampling rates) they
should still be mixed in right?

They do not appear at all in the output file at the offset specified in
the ewf, or they appear at different times than the offset I gave (ie. I
put offset = 23 and it's actually being inserted at around 6 with a
faster speed). It's quite frustrating and I can't see a way I can
figure out a solution. Any ideas?


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