[ecasound] Multitracking question

From: John Rigg <eca@email-addr-hidden-man.co.uk>
Date: Tue Jan 10 2006 - 01:53:08 EET

I have a couple of M-Audio Delta 1010's set up with the ALSA pcm_multi
plugin to run as a virtual 16-channel sound-card. I use jackd to
access this, with 16 input ports and 16 output ports.

What I want to do is record 16 mono .wav files simultaneously,
one from each of the jackd input ports. Can anyone tell me the correct
ecasound command syntax for specifying which jack port goes to which
output file? I've been unable to find this info in the docs or on the web.

Second question: is it possible to do this without jackd and just deal
with the alsa virtual device directly, still having control over which channel
goes to which file?


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Received on Tue Jan 10 04:15:04 2006

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