[ecasound] live silence splitting / ringbuffer

From: Willem van Engen <wvengen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jun 11 2005 - 16:39:10 EEST


I'm writing a program that records audio when there is activity at the
mic, and stops when it's silent again. Every piece of audio gets written
into a new file. Using pyecasound, I wrote a little gtk gui for that.
Well, it works, but there's one problem left:
I'm monitoring for sound on the input; after several seconds of sound, I
want to record it and keep recording until the next silence. It seems to
me that some sort of buffer is needed.

Is there a ringbuffer in ecasound? If, I might write a program that just
reads on stdin and just waits some time before writing it back to
stdout, and use that as output of a chain and input to another. But it
feels a bit 'hackish' to me; is there another way?

- willem

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