Re: [ecasound] reset "over" counters in ecasignalview?

From: Peter Lutek <plutek@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 17:15:26 EEST

On Fri, 1 Apr 2005 10:53:22 +0300 (EEST), Kai Vehmanen <kvehmanen@email-addr-hidden>

> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Peter Lutek wrote:
>> i am wondering if it is possible to reset the "over" counters in
>> ecasignalview, without stopping the meters. i don't see anything in the
>> manpage about a way to do that.
> Unfortunately that's not possible in current versions. Ecasignalview
> doesn't allow any user interaction during operation, it just shows the
> levels
> and that's it.
> Extending ecasignalview with an interactive UI would be a bigger task,
> but as a quick hack I added support for resetting the stats by sending a
> HUP to the ecasignalview process (i.e. from another console: "killall -v
> -HUP ecasignalview").
> This is available in CVS, and using the snapshot at:

ok, it's taken me a long time to get around to upgrading to 2.4.1, but i'm
there now. resetting the meters works fine, but there's one strange issue
i'm noticing (perhaps this is a "feature", which just needs more
explanation). if i do the following:

ecasound -c -r -f:f32,1,44100 \
-a:1 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_1 -o:ch1.wav \
-a:2 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_2 -o:ch2.wav \
-a:3 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_3 -o:ch3.wav \
-a:4 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_4 -o:ch4.wav \
-a:5 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_5 -o:ch5.wav \
-a:6 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_6 -o:ch6.wav \
-a:7 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_7 -o:ch7.wav \
-a:8 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_8 -o:ch8.wav \
-a:9 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_9 -o:ch9.wav \
-a:10 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_10 -o:ch10.wav \
-a:11 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_11 -o:ch11.wav \
-a:12 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_12 -o:ch12.wav \
-a:13 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_13 -o:ch13.wav \
-a:14 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_14 -o:ch14.wav \
-a:15 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_15 -o:ch15.wav \
-a:16 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_16 -o:ch16.wav \
-a:17 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_17 -o:ch17.wav \
-a:18 -i:jack_auto,alsa_pcm:capture_18 -o:ch18.wav

STEP2(in another console):
ecasignalview -f:16,18,44100 jack_alsa

STEP3(in the ecasound-iam console):

STEP4 (from a 3rd console):
killall -v -HUP ecasignalview

STEP5: (in the ecasound-iam console):

ecasound starts writing ch1.wav, ch2.wav, etc. immediately after STEP2,
writing blank audio until STEP3, when audio input is supplied, and then
writes normally (undisturbed by the HUP) until STEP5. so, i end up with a
period of silence at the beginning of all output files, corresponding to
the delay between STEP2 and STEP3.

shouldn't the ecasound-iam "start" be the trigger for file-writing, rather
than the start of a separate ecasignalview process?

also, the ecasound-iam "stop" (in my STEP5) stops meter activity in
ecasignalview -- the process is still running, and still connected in
jack, but the meters stop responding.

so, overall, there's some interaction between the ecasound-iam process and
the ecasignalview process. perhaps this is intended, but it seems strange
to me, and makes usage of ecasound with metering ackward. should this
interaction be regarded as bugs? if not, perhaps you could explain your
rationale for the behaviour.


(sorry for the double message, kai.... i mistakenly sent one from an
address not subscirbed to ecasound-list)

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