[ecasound] Using ecasound without input?

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Subject: [ecasound] Using ecasound without input?
From: Nolan Darilek (nolan_d@bigfoot.com)
Date: Sun Apr 01 2001 - 09:21:30 EEST

A few Ecasound options and LADSPA plugins seem to be intended for
creating sound, not modifying input. For example, the metronome preset
in the global effect presets list generates beeps and doesn't really
need audio input. I also have a white noise LADSPA plugin which I
wanted to use in some of my projects, and this shouldn't require any
audio input.

Is it somehow possible to use these options without inputs? If I do
something like:

ecasound -c
ecasound ('h' for help)> -pn:metronome
- [ Chainsetup/Adding LADSPA-plugin "Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:control)" ]
Setting parameters: Frequency (Hz) = 880.00, Amplitude = 1.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Pulse gate BPM" ] --------------------
(audiofx_envelope_modulation) WARNING! Frequency must be greater than 0!
Setting parameters: bpm = 120.00, on-time-msec = 10.00
- [ Chainsetup/Adding chain operator "Lowpass filter" ] --------------------
Setting parameters: cutoff-freq = 2000.00
(audiofx_envelope_modulation) WARNING! Frequency must be greater than 0!
bpm = 120.00
ecasound ('h' for help)> start
(eca-control) ERROR: Warning! Selected chainsetup cannot be connected. Can't perform requested action.

If I load a sound file then the metronome works, but this is kinda
strange. So I'm wondering if there is some way to use the metronome
and set the BPM without loading an audio file, since adding a file
requires me to then load the metronome, set the BPM, decide how many
seconds of the audiofile to loop over so that the required BPM is
maintained, etc.


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